Columbia Theological Seminary

. . . More Faithful, Just, and Equitable

Creating new narratives.

New stories.

Columbia Theological Seminary is on a journey, with God’s help, to becoming a community where all may flourish.

 We are all creators of The Becoming Project.

This website presents and interrogates the history of Columbia Theological Seminary. Over time it is to be a space for diverse groups at the seminary to share their journeys.  You are invited to participate in the process of uncovering other narrative threads within the story of Columbia. All of these narratives combine to shape who and what we are on this campus and in the world. Together we can make changes to build a new narrative that celebrates how we incarnate diversely the image of God.

Learn more about the work towards organizational justice that is going on today
at Columbia Theological Seminary.

From our beginning . . .

On this website, we are interpreters and writers of the history of Columbia Seminary. Thanks to the seminary archives housed in the John Bulow Campbell library, historical documents are made available for you to read about and from predecessors in their own words, and we can be interpreters of the seminary’s history. 

In a new initiative of this website, we are inviting different groups who have been and are associated with the seminary—as students, as professors, as staff, as administrators, as trustees—to share their experiences in photos, audio recordings, and/or videos.  As we share these experiences, we are writing the seminary’s history.

Moving boldly into the future.

As we read the seminary’s history and about the experiences of others at the seminary, we may feel conflicted, hurt, angry, sad, and/or encouraged. We invite you to reflect on and acknowledge these feelings as we grapple together for meaning about who we are and desire to be as a place where we are educating leaders for ministries in churches and the world.

May this Becoming Project move each of us to commit to becoming more faithful, equitable, and just in our relationships with one another as we continue the journey.