Implementation Task Force
at Columbia Theological Seminary
Convening the Implementation
Task Force
After completing the Transformative Community Conference, the Board voted that Board Chair, Jane Fahey, and CTS President, Leanne Van Dyk, convene a task force to begin the ongoing work of institutional transformation at CTS. Members of the groups within the community contributed suggestions and the final slate of the inaugural Task Force was announced on January 6, 2021. Members will serve an initial term through Spring semester, 2022.
Implementation Taskforce
Inaugural Members
How the Implementation Task Force was Chosen
A poll of community members was conducted to gauge the methods preferred for selecting Task Force members that would ensure diverse representation across all groups at CTS.
A letter was sent to the leadership of each community group asking that they facilitate the selection of two potential Task Force members by December 1, 2020, using one of the following preferred criteria from the poll:
(1) Self-nominations (Members self-nominate, and the group is asked to affirm the nominees. If more than two persons self-nominate, then the second process, election by vote, will have to occur.)
(2) Election (Members vote and the two persons who get the majority of votes are elected.)