Implementation Task Force
at Columbia Theological Seminary
Inaugural Meeting
February 2, 2021
The work of transforming organizations takes time. It requires an ongoing commitment that is envisioned, planned, and executed by stakeholders to provide tangible benefits for all.
The development of the institution is about enhancing both organizational and individual performance. The focus is on the institution. However, you can’t have a transformed organization without transformed people.
The work of the Implementation Task Force will build on the body of knowledge gained from organizational development research, enhanced with the combined knowledge and experience of the Task Force members, and built on a common commitment to the call of God on our life together. [1]
ITF will focus on proposing changes in the organizational system around systemic racism, diversity, and inclusion that can move the institution from its present state to a desired future state. Above all, the process is relying on the movement of the Spirit to guide the work.
ITF will use the Action Research Method in its work. [2]
It will move from diagnosing, continuing the work of TCC, and choose issues that can be addressed within the one-year term of the Task Force.
During the planning action phase, the ITF may have to go back to the community for additional diagnostic information before proposing action.
The evaluation phase will likely lead to the need for additional data gathering, planning, and measuring our progress.
Continuing to work within the circle process, ITF members are committed to:
1. Speaking with intention
2. Listening with attention
3. Tending to the well-being of the circle
The interactions of ITF are intended to be a model of transformative institutional change. How work is done is as important as what gets accomplished.
[1] http://www.dinarchconsulting.com/org-development.html
[2] Action Research Research Cycles Coghlan & Brannick, 2005, p. 22